Constitution & By-Laws



  1. The name of this organization shall be the Foreign Language Association of North Dakota (FLAND).


1. The purpose of this association shall be:

a) to advance the study of foreign languages at all levels;

b) to promote the foreign language teaching profession;

c) to foster the spirit of fellowship among its members.


1. Anyone interested in the purposes of FLAND may become a member upon payment of dues.

2. Membership dues shall be paid per school year. The school year shall be considered to be August 1 to July 31.

a. Membership dues shall be $20 if paid in conjunction with the FLAND summer/fall conference registration. FLAND membership dues shall be $25 if paid by November 1 and $30 if paid after that date.

b. Student dues shall be $10.00.

c. Retired teachers' dues shall be gratis.

d. The five executive officers' (president, first president-elect, second president-elect, secretary, and treasurer) and the FLAND News editors' dues shall be gratis during their terms of office.

3. The Association shall not discriminate on the basis of race or creed.

4. Honorary membership to the Association may be granted.


1. The officers shall be a President, a First President-Elect, a Second President-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

2. The officers shall constitute the Executive Committee which shall have the power to act for the association on all matters requiring attention between meetings of FLAND.

3. The First President-Elect shall serve a two year term and succeed the President after one year. The Second President-Elect shall serve a three year term and succeed the First President-Elect after one year. The Second President-Elect shall be elected majority vote of the members present at the spring meeting. Officers shall assume their respective duties at the close of said meeting, and serve until the close of the following spring meeting.

4. The officers shall perform such duties as are usual in the office. the First President-Elect shall coordinate the program for meetings. The Second President-Elect will serve as a member of the Executive Committee and perform other duties at the request of the President.

5. The First President-Elect shall serve as President in the absence or inability of the President to serve. A vacancy in other offices shall be filled by the President until an election at the next meeting.

6. The President shall appoint a nominating committee at the fall meeting. When the report of the committee is made, opportunity shall be given for nominations from the floor.

7. The Past President or his/her designee shall serve as FLAND's representative to the Advisory Council ACTFL Delegate Assembly or the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CSCTFL). The Past President is eligible to receive a $500 stipend to help with the expenses to attend a regional or national foreign language conference. This stipend must be used within two years of leaving office as President of FLAND.

8. There shall be term limits of 2 terms for the Secretary and Treasurer.


1. The Past President, the presiding officers of individual language divisions, the editor(s) of the The FLAND News, the webmaster (if FLAND member), the public relations coordinator, and the historian shall constitute an Advisory Board whose function shall be to make recommendations to the Association and to assist the Executive Committee with the activities and administration of the Association.


1. A summer/fall meeting shall be held.

A winter/spring meeting shall be held, whenever possible, in conjunction with and include the spring meetings of individual organizations in the state.


1. The FLAND News shall be the official publication of FLAND. Each member shall

receive The FLAND News during his/her membership.

2. The editor(s) of the FLAND News shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and

shall serve until another member is chosen.


1. FLAND is an organization that acts as a 501(c)(6) business league as described in

IRS Publication 557, pages 47 and 48.


1. This Constitution may be amended and By-Laws may be adopted at any meeting by

two-thirds vote of the members present.

ARTICLE X Dissolution

In the event of a dissolution of the Foreign Language Association of North Dakota, the net assets of the state organization shall be distributed as follows:

a. All liabilities and obligations shall be paid and satisfied or adequate provision shall be made therefore.

b. The Advisory Board shall determine specific procedures for liquidating the remaining assets and shall supervise disbursement of funds.

c. The Advisory Board shall determine specific procedures for archival of the documents of the organization.


1. The following divisions are recognized as having an official standing:

a. ND-AATF French

b. ND-AATG German

c. ND-AATSP Spanish and Portuguese

d. ND Latin Teachers

2. After each spring meeting the new President shall formally appoint or reappoint

a. Historian

b. Planning & Program Committee

c. FLAND Membership Chair

d. FLAND representative to the ACTFL Assembly

e. ACTFL Membership Chair

f. Any other FLAND chair, committees, and representatives recommended by the

FLAND Executive Committee and Advisory Board.

3. Non-members attending a FLAND meeting will pay a registration fee.

Adopted on October 24, 1966 and amended at the April 1972, October 1972, April 1973, October 1980, October 1981, April 1082, April 1984, September 1984, March 1992, October 1999, August 2000, October 2001, April 2006, October 2006, March 2010, February 2016, August 2016, January 2018, January 2019 business meetings.