Officers, Boards, Committees

Meet your 2025-2026 FLAND Organization!

Officers are elected during the winter/spring meeting. The second president-elect, first president-elect, president, and past president serve each term for one year, moving up in position each year. The treasurer and secretary serve two year terms. Please email any of the officers with questions you may have. 

FLAND Officers & Executive Committee

President: Mary Ann Crow, Central HS, Grand Forks


First President-Elect: Ryan Mayer, Sheyenne HS, West Fargo


Second President-Elect: Katie Richardson, Sheyenne HS, West Fargo


Treasurer: Erika Feole, RRHS, Grand Forks (2024-2026 2nd Term)  Email

Secretary: Angela Harmon, Mandan HS (2024-2026 1st term)    Email

FLAND Advisory Board

 Past President: Kristine Middleton, RRHS, Grand Forks Email 

Editor of FLAND News: Martina Dvorak, Mandan   Email

Webmaster: Martina Dvorak, Mandan    Email

Public Relations Coordinators: Sandy Meidinger, Linton; Pam Fisher, Grand Forks; Martina Dvorak, Mandan

Historian: Currently being held by the Past President

ND-AATF President: Inactive

ND-AATG President: Erika Feole, Grand Forks

ND-AATSP President: Inactive

ND-ACL President: David Volk, Fargo & Kathy Strand


Herb Boswau Scholarship Committee

Chair: Faye Miller, 

Sandy Meidinger, 

Barb Beach, 

LeAnne Tracey

Laine Martinez

Gina Solemsaas

Teacher of the Year (Past three recipients): 

Chair: Martina Dvorak (2021)

Laine Martinez (2023)

Erika Feole (2024)

Sister Helen Kilzer Lifetime Service Award (Past three presidents):

Chair: Kait Zeleny (23-24)

Emily Parrill (22-23)

Ashley Mikkelsen (22-23)

ProLingua Award (Past three President): 

Chair: Kait Zeleny (23-24)

Emily Parrill (22-23)

Ashley Mikkelsen (22-23)

Seal of Biliteracy (Volunteer)

Laine Martinez (Chair)

Sindy Larson

Mary Thrond

ACTFL Delegate

The Central States Conference Delegate: Past President if accepted

Barb Beach Foreign Study Abroad Scholarship Committee (Three Past Presidents): 

Chair: Kait Zeleny (23-24)

Emily Parrill (22-23)

Ashley Mikkelsen (22-23)