2025 Winter Conference

Book Study & Virtual Membership Meeting

This coming spring, the Executive Committee has opted for a book study, with a virtual meeting with the author. Join us for the book study course, “How to Teach AI.” We will be exploring the book How to Teach AI. Weaving Strategies and Activities into Any Content Area, written by Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth. The book study itself will be asynchronous ending with a Zoom meeting on February 22nd at 11:00 AM with Dr. Poth. To receive one Professional Development credit, you must complete the book study and attend or watch the recorded presentation with Dr. Poth.

What are we reading?

“Taking a friendly and accessible approach, the book covers a range of topics related to AI, such as machine learning, robotics and natural language processing, and includes examples of how these technologies are being implemented in different industries and their impact on education. The book includes a chapter dedicated to the ethics of AI, addressing issues around bias, intellectual property, student data privacy and more.

The book includes:

·       Ideas for using generative AI in the classroom and tips for writing effective prompts.

·       Activity ideas across content areas, including computer science, economics, literature, music and more

·       Time-saving ideas for teachers, and study aids for students to explore.

·       AI-powered tool recommendations for teachers.

·       Questions for reflection in every chapter.

With examples from educators in the field, and a variety of resources to apply in the classroom, this book helps educators become comfortable with this important topic and create meaningful learning experiences for their students. “

FLAND Book Study Registration

Registration for this book study is for members only. Anyone may become a member. If you attended the summer conference, your membership payment has already been made. If you have not yet submitted your membership payment, it will be discounted to only $20 in conjunction with the book study. The cost of the book study is only $50!

Please register online via the following link or QR code. Once payment is received, you will be given a link to the book study. Payments may be made by check or PayPal. There is a $2.00 fee for online payment. https://bit.ly/FLAND2025WinterBookStudyRegistration


Will you also be applying for credit? Please follow the instructions with your preferred university.

$50 - NDSU Credit:


$50 – UND Credit:


 $50 – Minot State University (TBA)